
As part of the Easyfairs group, Kistamässan is a member of the Net Zero Carbon Events commitment, and we are committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030.

Easyfairs is committed to conducting our events in an environmentally and socially responsible manner by:



The venue takes energy-saving measures, uses only green electricity and implements other actions to reduce unnecessary energy consumption.


  • We limit our energy consumption by carefully controlling lighting, heating, and ventilation, as well as HVAC levels.
  • The facility is equipped with LED lighting.
  • We maintain the temperature at 20°C during the event.
  • Our all-in booths and all organizer spaces are equipped with LED lighting.
  • Production & Waste

    We implement a strict waste management and waste reduction plans, as well as limit the use of plastic at our events.

    Production & Waste

    • We sort the waste generated by our events.
    • We use reusable carpet tiles at our events.
    • Our Smart Badge technology allows for a significant reduction in paper usage for our exhibitors.
    • The venue is equipped with sorting bins at key locations.
    • We use reusable booth packages at this event, allowing us to greatly reduce the waste generated by disposable booths.
    • We sort the waste generated by our events.
    • We offer 100% recyclable carpet at our events.
    • We use eco-labeled cleaning products at the facility.
    • We strive to eliminate single-use plastic at all serving points and collaborate with all our partners to replace single-use plastic packaging and bottles with sustainable solutions.
    • The venue is equipped with multiple water stations.
    • We produce graphic signs made with environmentally friendly components and water-based ink.

    Travel & Accomodation

    Easyfairs reduces emissions from travel and selects our preferred accommodation partners based on sustainability criteria.

    Travel & Accommodation

    • Bicycle parking is available opposite the main entrance
    • We recommend public transport
    • If you are travelling by car, we recommend carpooling to the event

    Food & Food waste

    We apply principles for sustainable food sourcing at our food service locations.

    Food & Food waste

    • We encourage our suppliers to apply portion control at catering outlets to reduce waste.
    • Vegetarian and vegan options are available at the catering outlets.
    • We do not serve red meat at Sett.
    • We use up our stock of disposable plastic instead of throwing it away.

    Shipping & Logistics

    Easyfairs booth packages reduces transportation emissions and waste, and we select our suppliers based on sustainability criteria.

    Shipping & Logistics

  • Easyfairs booth packages reduce transportation emissions and waste.
  • We select our suppliers based on sustainability criteria.
  • Social responsibility

    We strive to be an inclusive team, embracing diversity with equal opportunities for all, and embedd sustainability at the core of our event.

    Social responsability

    • The seminar programme at Sett includes topics in sustainability
    • We provide a platform for startups to present their groundbreaking innovations
    • Easyfairs has a whistleblowing function

    What are we doing at Easyfairs?

    We want to reduce the use of disposable products

    Using materials for a short time and then throwing them away is not sustainable. Disposable products have different types of impact on the environment – they consume resources and often end up in the environment, leading to littering. Using reusable alternatives allows us to significantly reduce resource consumption. It also helps to reduce littering.  Single-use items are a major source of litter. As plastic is difficult to break down in nature, many birds and mammals are harmed by getting stuck in plastic or eating it.  Due to its long degradation time, plastic is a growing environmental problem and reducing the use of single-use items is one measure to reduce the risk of plastics entering the environment. Disposable items also represent a consumption of resources. Even if the product is recycled, energy and material values are lost. It is therefore best to use the product several times. This way, we save on resource extraction from the earth but also on energy.




    Stand design & Waste

    Choose a reusable stand package from the organiser or design your own stand so that the structure will be reused several times, year after year. Work with your stand builder to make your stand as durable as possible! Avoid creating a disposable stand just for one occasion. Create reusable signs (without any date on it) made from recyclable materials and with eco-friendly ink whenever possible. Use LED lighting and other energy-efficient equipment for your stand and don’t forget to switch it off at the end of the day. Try not to use carpet, and if you really need it, preferably choose reusable carpet tiles. If you use regular carpet, make sure it is recyclable and that it will be recycled.

    Travel & Accomodation

    Whenever possible, choose public transportation or carpool with your colleagues.
    Select a hotel within walking distance and/or implement environmentally friendly practices.

    Shipping & Logistics

    Consolidate your shipments and preferably use transport and logistics companies that apply sustainable practices. Favour local suppliers to support the local economy and reduce transport. Favour suppliers with environmental and social credentials.

    Food & Food waste

    Bring your own reusable water bottle and use our water stations to help us reduce the use of single-use plastics. If you serve food at your stand, preferably choose locally produced and plant-based options. Please note that from 1 January 2024 it is forbidden to use disposable items containing more than 15% plastic. Read more here. This is good to keep in mind when planning your activities for the stand. Avoid food waste and order only the amount of food needed.

    Social responsability

    Take an active role in the various initiatives and discussions during the event that will support sustainable development within your industry.
    Inspire visitors by showcasing the sustainable features of your products.



    Certified as a Sustainable Event

    Sett is organised by Easyfairs Nordic and as part of our sustainability work, Easyfairs will SUSA certify all its own fairs held at Malmömässan and Kistamässan. Read more about SUSA here:

    Easyfairs is certified according to the national environmental management standard Svensk Miljöbas. Being certified according to Svensk Miljöbas means that Easyfairs works systematically and in a structured manner to reduce its environmental footprint and contribute to positive development for people and nature. As part of this sustainability work, the company can now also offer customers the opportunity to customise their events in terms of sustainability. Easyfairs’ project managers will be able to provide guidance throughout the process. Read more about the diploma here.

    Prioritised goals from the 2030 Agenda:


      Charity - Majblomman (Read more about Majblomman under "We donate money to Majblomman"). Education, the first step to eradicate poverty. Social responsibility for schools and pre-schools; compensating for what children do not get from home.


      The whole fair is about this for Nordic children. We have digital program items throughout the year in collaboration with Internetstiftelsen that are free and available online. UR films and broadcasts selected lectures free of charge. Read more under "Our full sustainability commitment"


      We want to achieve a modern and equal meeting place. We will be perceived as a long-term and serious player among exhibitors, visitors and lecturers. We are working towards an equal presence on stage and in all programme items. Promote both men and women in all communication and on the web. Read more under "Our full sustainability commitment"


      We ensure that employees and external staff have the right conditions to feel good and perform their work. Among other things, we have collective agreements, offer health care allowances and health care hours, and provide fruit and coffee at the workplace. Easyfairs offers breakfast every Monday. We facilitate quality teaching to ensure quality employees in the long term. Co-operation with Edtech, which has young people in its network and participates as an exhibitor at Sett. These start-ups are present during Sett in a designated area, the Nordic Innovation Space. They also get to pitch on an open stage and the winner gets a stand at Sett 2025.


      Sett should feel welcoming to everyone. Kistamässan is adapted for accessibility. We do not differentiate between people. Partnership with SPSM. Launching Nordic Track where experiences are shared between countries. Sett aims to create an equal school for all, regardless of whether it is municipal or independent, for example.

    Easyfairs Nordic works to take responsibility for people and the environment, so it is natural for us to have our events certified in the spring of 2024.

    What does this mean?
    – Everyone who works with the fair has been involved in the development and customisation of our
    – Our excellent sustainability organisation has been trained in sustainable development.
    – We have conducted workshops to engage employees to take active responsibility for the
    sustainability aspects.
    – We have sustainability requirements for the suppliers and sponsors we work with, which include
    that they meet our high ambitions.
    – We do not serve red meat at our meeting places
    – We promote public transport to the meeting place and actively market the alternatives available.
    that are available
    – The exhibition centre is adapted so that it is accessible to people with different
    functional variants
    – The restaurant at the facility works mainly with organic ingredients.
    – ESG is a strategic initiative for Easyfairs. We calculate the C02 footprint and prioritise
    measures to reduce it after each fair
    – We encourage exhibitors to order stand furnishings from Kista Mäss-Service where we
    reuse all materials
    – We have made the information exchange between visitors and exhibitors completely digital.
    – We have an established ESG committee that actively works to improve the company’s initiatives.

    We have prioritised goals from Agenda 2030

    1. No poverty: Charitable purpose – Majblomman. Read more about Majblomman here.
    Education, the first step to eradicate poverty. Theme Social responsibility for schools and preschools; compensating for what children do not get from home.

    2. Quality Education: his objective aims to increase education and knowledge within the fair’s industry. Not only among those who work in the industry today, but also future players. We will be perceived as a long-term and serious player among exhibitors, visitors and lecturers alike.

    Seminars and workshops. Exhibitors who have mini lectures for everyone. We ensure the quality of what we do through market research before the fair. We invite students in the industry to attend the lectures free of charge.

    Co-operation with all our partners, including SPSM and Internetstiftelsen, which strengthens our goal. We have digital programmes throughout the year in collaboration with Internetstiftelsen that are free of charge and available online. UR films and broadcasts selected lectures free of charge.

    We offer free internal training via our training portal. We have training grants. We measure the outcome in surveys carried out after the event.

    We have an open stage with exhibitors that is free for all visitors. We invest further in networking for everyone and have a mingle for all visitors and exhibitors aimed at relationship building and exchange of knowledge/experience.

    3. Gender Equality: We want to achieve a modern and equal meeting place. We will be perceived as a long-term and serious player among exhibitors, visitors and lecturers alike.

    We work towards an equal presence on stage and in all programme items. Promote both men and women in all communication and on the web. During research we review the subject competences we are looking for, after that we look for possible speakers and where male speakers are available within the right competence, we book them. We think about communication and try to be as equal as possible in our visual communication.

    Easyfair’s group management consists of 1 man and 1 woman from different countries. The event industry traditionally consists of many women. With the acquisition of KMS (Production inhouse), there will be a significantly better gender distribution internally.

    4. Decent Work and Economic Growth: We ensure that employees and external staff have the right conditions to feel good and perform their work. Among other things, we have collective agreements, offer health care contributions and health care hours, and offer fruit and coffee at the workplace. Easyfairs offers breakfast every Monday. We facilitate quality teaching to ensure quality employees in the long term. Co-operation with Edtech, which has young people in its network and participates as an exhibitor at Sett. These start-ups where present during Sett in a designated area, the Nordic Innovation Space. They also got to pitch on an open stage and the winner got a stand at Sett 2025.

    5. Reduced Inequalities: The event should feel welcoming to everyone. Kistamässan is handicapped accessible. We do not differentiate between people. Partnership with SPSM. Launch Nordic Track where experiences are shared between countries. Sett aims to create an equal school for all, regardless of whether it is municipal or independent, for example.


    We donate money to Majblomman

    As an expression of our commitment to social responsibility and to make a positive difference, we have chosen to donate to Majblomman as speaker gifts. This donation contributes to Majblomman’s important work to combat child poverty and improve the living conditions of children in Sweden.

    Read more about Majblomman here.


    Contact us, and we’d be happy to tell you more about Easyfairs’ shared global initiatives and how we work together to create sustainable events. Click on the button below to access our contact information.

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