Meet decision-makers as the industry comes together

Become an exhibitor at Sett

Sett brings together leading suppliers and representatives from Sweden’s schools. Here you can reach a large part of the market very quickly, whether you want to strengthen your brand, enter a new market or launch a new product or service. Exhibitors on site are all those who offer products or services that can be linked to innovative and digital learning, such as computers, touch screens, software, education and more, and you meet both the decision maker and the end user on site.


Who visits the fair?

21,5 % Teachers
10.8% General IT / Software developer
7.9 % Principal
5.9 % IT manager
5.2 % Business developer
4,9 % First teacher
4.3% Assistant principal
4.3% Pre-school teacher
3.3% Specialist pedagogue
2.5% ICT educator
2.4% Marketing
2.3% Childcare worker
2.1% School management
2.1% Head of unit
1.9 % CEO / Owner
1.7% Coordinator
1.7 % Student
1.3 % Salesman
1 % Product/purchasing manager
1 % Digitalization developer
0,9 % Project manager
0,6 % Supplier
0,4 % Librarian
0.3% Study/career counselor
9.8 % Other

39,2 % Primary school
12,5% Preschool
9,7% IT
8,3% Secondary school
8,1% Municipal
6,3% Adult education
3,6% Adapted school
2,4% Educational materials
1,3% After-school care
0,9% Post-secondary education
7,7% Other

Tuesday 1927 visits
Wednesday 2099 visits
Thursday 1371 visits

Total unique visitors 3869
Total visits 5397

54,68 % Stockholm
13,48 % Uppsala, Västerås, Örebro
5,9 % Jönköping
5,85 % Värmland
4,97 % Västernorrland, Gävleborg
4,91 % Skåne
3,54 % Västra Götaland
2,55 % Jönköping
2 % Norrbotten, Västerbotten
2,12 % Other

This is why you should exhibit!

  • Strengthen your brand! Get maximum digital visibility before, during and after your participation.
  • New leads! Top up your prospect database.
    Additional sales! Strengthen relationships with current customers.
  • Measurable ROI! It’s easy to monetise your participation.
  • New collaborations! Meet existing and potential partners, resellers, competitors and colleagues.
  • Show news! Our visitors love to get the latest news on the spot!

Here you can find an updated hall plan.
For questions or interest, please contact
+ 46 (0)8 506 650 01

Have you ordered technology and furnishings for your stand?

Check out Kista Mäss-service’s shop to order what you need for your stand:

For other questions about stand construction:

What do visitors want to experience?

Visitors come to Sett to be inspired, learn more and experience new products and services. Visitors also come to meet schools and municipalities, to meet suppliers and to mingle with others in the industry. The exhibition is an active, bubbling meeting place where the exhibitors invite you to attend lectures, pop-up classes, discussions, competitions, etc. Both the visiting decision-makers and end-users want to see everything from products and services related to innovative and lifelong learning, such as computers, tablets and digital cards, but also software, educational institutions, publishers of educational materials and much more.

We summarise the experience of Sett as “A creative environment, which inspires and energises.”

Nordic Innovation Space - new for Sett 2024

A dynamic exhibition of edtech startups from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland.

This unique forum offered startups the chance to apply for a stand at a very favourable price including visibility on the website and access to our Easy Go tool.

Pitch to a panel of investors and experts

Of the 10 companies selected to be part of the Innovation Space, five was selected to pitch to a panel of investors and experts, offering potential funding and strategic partnerships. The Sett Nordic Innovation Space epitomises the collaborative spirit that drives educational innovation in the Nordic region. As a beacon of progress, it demonstrates the transformative power of technology in shaping the future of education.

Together, we celebrated a decade of Sett, highlighting pioneering startups that are redefining learning in the Nordic region and beyond!

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