Lindesberg municipality offers Skolado to all its students!

Lindesberg municipality offers Skolado to all its students!

Lindesberg chooses to invest in preventive measures to achieve the best student health.



We are very happy to announce that Lindesberg municipality will offer the Skolado platform to all its primary schools and students. The municipality wants to invest in promoting the childrens mental health and creating a safer school environment for the children.

This cooperation and trust means a lot to us in the team. We have a responsibility to deliver a high quality and professional service that can make a real difference to schools’ work to promote pupils’ mental health and well-being.

Our endeavor is to be a reliable partner for Lindesberg municipality’s schools and to be a resource that can make their important work easier and more efficient. We want to be involved and contribute to creating a school environment where every student can feel safe, seen and supported in their school!


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