

Digital technologies in classrooms today – What leadership is needed in the future?

Across the world, there is a big distance between what technology could do for education, and the actual reality in classrooms. While we want schools to develop students’ digital competence and make them ready for the increasingly digital society of today and tomorrow, research shows that this is a very hard task to suceed with. In this keynote, professor Marte Blikstad-Balas explores the leadership required to ensure meaningful integration of digital technologies in schools. Drawing on classroom research from the Nordic countries, she highlights how leaders can critically evaluate the alignment between educational goals and the digital tools adopted. Effective leadership involves fostering teacher autonomy, cultivating a shared vision for the role of technology in learning, and navigating the complex interplay between innovation and tradition. By leveraging insights from real classrooms, leaders can empower their teachers to use technology creatively and purposefully, ensuring that educational values remain at the forefront of digital transformation.


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